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Electronic Submission Guidelines:


  • Submit a single PDF file of your poems as listed in CONTEST REQUIREMENTS. It's all the same electronically as on paper, except this will be a single file instead of a single stack of paper.

    PDF will be the only form accepted. Other formats WILL upload to the database but will not be accepted by the contest chair.

    Any normal word processor will have a "print to PDF" function or save as PDF function.

  • This is a SINGLE PDF file consisting of two instances of each poem, the first copy with your name and information, the second copy unattributed with only the category at the top. The file should be labeled with the poet's name following the format "Last First.pdf."

  • Let me RESTATE this. Two copies of each poem, in order:  A named, A unattributed, then B named, B unattributed, etc. This means using headers and footer settings for name and address won't be possible w/o some annoyingly complex sections. The goal here is to make it as easy as possible for the contest chair, and that means a little more work on our end as poets.


  • Upload a single document only. Multiple documents will not be accepted. If you decide to enter more contests after already having submitted a PDF previously, contact We will delete your previous submission and then let you know that you can re-submit a new file.


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Contact us:


Alabama State Poetry Society

103 2nd Ave SW

Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548




on Facebook: 

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